JITO UK - Members Meet and Pitch Fest

JITO UK - Members Meet and Pitch Fest

An outstanding JITO UK Members' Meet and Pitch Fest was held on 24th June 2018 in London. The highlights of the event were - Stryve, Mark Bio and V-care presented their business pitches with remarkable preparations and were judged by a panel comprising of Mrs Neena Amin, Mr Bhavik Shah and Mr Chandrakant Shah - Short presentations by platinum sponsor (Unicorn Ascension Fund) and Gold sponsors (Future Bricks, Atom Invest and Foam & Bubbles) offering investment opportunities to the members. - Brief introduction by each delegate - 4 Patrons presented their business profiles - 3 new members offered their Patronship to JITO UK One of the comments which succinctly described the whole event was "perfectly orchestrated and masterly conducted".