About Us

Primary Objectives

Primary Objective is to fulfil one of the key objective of JITO “Economic Empowerment” of JITO members directly & indirectly of Jain community (potential JITO members). This will be enabled by creating a global business networking platform using multiple channels for business development in a trustworthy environment.

Core Purpose of JBN

  • Empowering All Jains to Exponentially Grow Collectively:
    We believe in the strength of unity and aim to bring together the Jain community to grow collectively while upholding our cherished Jain values.
  • Gender-Neutral Approach:
    JBN is committed to a gender-neutral approach, ensuring equal opportunities and empowerment for all.
  • Business Mentoring and Lead Generation:
    We provide invaluable business mentorship and foster lead generation to facilitate the success of our members.
  • Creating a Trustworthy Support System:
    Building a network founded on trust is paramount to us. JBN serves as a reliable support system for all its members.

Secondary Objectives

  • Catalyzing JITO Membership Growth:
    We act as a catalyst to increase JITO membership by delivering clear and objective benefits to current and prospective members.
  • Strengthening Jain Community Networking:
    JBN is dedicated to enhancing networking opportunities within the Jain community, fostering stronger connections.
  • Continuous Connectivity for JITO Members:
    Our goal is to be the biggest connector for JITO members, ensuring continuous and meaningful connectivity.


Creating a Robust and Self-Propelling Platform:
JBN envisions the creation of a robust, self-propelling platform that economically empowers JITO members and indirectly benefits the larger Jain community. Leveraging our collective strengths, we strive to become a formidable global business power.


Economic Empowerment of Jain Fraternity:
JBN's mission is to economically empower the Jain community, breathing life and meaning into the broader objectives of JITO, encompassing Seva (Service), Shiksha (Education), and Arthik Sudhradta (Economic Well-being).


  • Engaging 10,000 JITO Members:
    Our goal is to engage 10,000 JITO members through various JBN initiatives, fostering growth and collaboration.
  • Youth and Ladies Empowerment:
    We aim to engage maximum youth and ladies on the JBN platform, promoting inclusivity and diversity.
  • International Linkages for Mutual Benefit:
    Creating international linkages for a mutually beneficial channel, expanding opportunities beyond borders.
  • Technological Platform for Community Commerce:
    JBN is committed to creating a technological platform that facilitates Community Commerce, fostering a dynamic and thriving ecosystem.
  • Join us on this journey of growth, empowerment, and community building at Jain Business Network.
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