JITO Belgaum Youth wing I RANNITI-2017

Event Date: 2017-03-09

JITO Belgaum Youth wing I  RANNITI-2017


RANNITI-2017, JITO Games  a sports event was organised by JITO Belgaum Youth wing.  Auction Day was held on March 1st, 2017 at Roopali Convention lawns which was graced by Chief Guest Master Jai Shailesh Prabhu, a young and successful talent in yoga.The auction involved auctioning of the participants by 8 team owners to best fit their team by a virtual bidding process. After the formation of 8 teams,1) Shantititans, 2) Mehta warriors 3) Orange Panthers 4) Sparshspatta, 5) JT Challengers 6) Parmar lions 7) SunrisersManikbag  8) Illumina Bloomers.  The main event was scheduled for 4 days beginning from 9th March to 12th March.As per the slots created, the players of each team battled against their opponents at various levels to reach to the finals and acquired scores for their team.

Eventually, the team JT Challengers with the highest score of 530 points won the General Championship for RANNITI-2017 followed by runners up team Mehta Warriors with a score of 445 points.Results were announced on the last day followed by a vote of thanks to all the sponsors, JITO committee and the participants for maintaining the decorum and making RANNITI-2017 a grand success.Event was led by Akshay Bhojannavar & Amog Nilajgi & ably supported by Harshvardhan Patil, Ruchita Kathariya, Mehak Sancheti, Diksha Halagi ,Akshit Jain, Sarvesh Porwal, Praneet Ramgounda, Pushkar Jakkannavar, Sumer Kagwad, Nehal Jain, Kunik Khoda, Mehgaj Ramgounda,Yash Sancheti, Vrushali Jain,  Akshay Jakkannavar & Darshan Gani.  



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